> I'm not top posting.

Hello, I am struggling with understanding if this is a bug or I am doing 
something wrong. I have looked in the bug tracker and cannot see anything.

I have included a small snippet.

I start with a partial and I have a volta 2 section (with no alternate) and 
the next bar after the repeat is 'measured' correctly from the preceding bar. 
However in the next section where there is an alternate volta section, the bar 
after the first repeat is broken incorrectly (as I see it) and I get a bar 
check failure. I am expecting it to put a bar before the last dotted minim.

Here is the snippet - it's a bit crude, but I have taken my original and cut 
out a load of extraneous to get to the nub of the problem.


\version "2.12.2"

\paper{ ragged-right=##t } 

TrumpetUpper = {
  \key f \major
  \time 2/2
  \repeat volta 2 
  { \partial 4 a'8-.\f bes-. | c4 f,8-. e-. f4 f' | c r r }

  \repeat volta 2  { 
  \partial 4 e8-.\f f-.| g (a bes) f-. e (a bes) d,-. | c\< (a' bes) bes,-. a 
(c) e g\! | 
\alternative {
 { c4->\> a8-. f-. c4-. e-.\! | f-. r r }
 { c'4->\> a8-. f-. c4-.\! e'4-.\f | f2.\f }

\score {

\new Staff \relative c'  { \TrumpetUpper }



Thank you for your time and do let me know if it is better to report a 'is 
this a bug' in the main list and then if it is put it in this list than the 
other way round.


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