On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Laura Conrad <lcon...@laymusic.org> wrote:
> The attached lilypond file, which I would expect to produce baroque
> noteheads (i.e., square notes for the breves) produces whole notes
> with bars around them for breves.

Greetings Laura (sorry for the delay),

Hm. I can't understand exactly what's happening here, but I suspect
your syntax with multiple << >> constructs is responsible. Could you
investigate it further?

I can't reproduce the bug with a minimal example such as

\version "2.12.0"

  \transpose c' g' {
    \override NoteHead #'style = #'baroque
    \clef bass
    \time 4/2
    d\breve c g a

> I'm reporting this to bugs; I think it's a regression.  I'm pretty
> sure the transpose script I have worked on 2.10.

Interesting. Likewise, it would be great to test it with a minimal
example that does reproduce the bug.

> I'm willing to call it an idiosyncrasy if someone can come up with a
> good reason for this behavior, or a reason why a user could possibly
> want it.

If \transpose did revert the NoteHear style, it would certainly be a
bug. But as you can see, that doesn't happen with my example above.


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