Frédéric Bron wrote Monday, October 26, 2009 6:30 AM
Here it is not an accidental cancelation, it is just printing the
accidentals from the key!
I consider this as a bug because the new voices should inherit the
from the Staff context as it is what's the musician "think". No
musician will say: "warning this is a new voice, foget what's on
key!). Look at that new example:
\relative c'' {
#(set-accidental-style 'voice)
\key f \major
<< { b } \\ { g } >>
The b is this time "natural" but it has no natural sign. How a
musician can imagine that is is not a b flat?
This behaviour with an accidental style of 'voice is certainly
unexpected! The question is, should the accidental style of
'voice affect just cancellations or should it give every voice an
independent key? If the former, then there is indeed a bug. If the
latter, then the manual needs to explain it. At presently coded,
an accidental style of 'voice gives every voice an independent
key, so is this intended?
Seems to me Frédéric is right - this is a bug. What are others'
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