On 9/10/09 8:08 AM, "Patrick Schmidt" <p.l.schm...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi docwriters,
> in version 2.13.3 the default for the automatic beaming of eighth notes in
> \time 4/4 seems to have changed. In former versions four eighth notes got one
> beam now there are four groups of two eighth notes in a bar. In the Learning
> Manual for 2.13.3 in section 2.2.5 (p. 22) the first example suggests that the
> default has not changed as the first four eighth notes are still grouped
> together without any manual beam in the code. (See also the snippet on page 60
> in the Notation Reference).
> It might also be useful to show the default beaming of eighth notes for some
> more time signatures (e.g. 4/4, 5/8) in section 1.2.4 in the Notation
> Reference (p. 54).
The autobeaming behavior has been corrected for 2.13.4, so I don't think any
documentation changes are necessary.
Thanks for your review,
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