Dear developers,
thank you all for Lilypond! I'm very fond of it.
While trying to engrave a piece with polyphonic elements both
"traditionally" (with noteheads) and with tablature I found out that
it is not possible to get the tablature right with the following code:
\version "2.13.3"
poly = \relative c'' {
<< {c1} \\ {a4 g f e} >> a,1
%{ << { \voiceOne c1}
\new Voice { \voiceTwo a'4 g f e }
>> \oneVoice a,1 %}
\score {
\new TabStaff = "guitar tab" <<
\context TabVoice
I finally engraved my piece with the snippet "polyphony in tablature"
so I know there already exists a solution to this problem but I think
it would be quite handy (and logical) if it were possible to apply <<
{} \\ {} >> to
tabVoice if it's in a tabStaff context (especially when the piece
doesn't contain an awful lot of polyphonic bars).
Thanks again for all your work!
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