2009/7/29 Patrick McCarty <pnor...@gmail.com>:

> Some of the programming errors from the regression tests are pretty
> bizarre, but I'll try taking a look at some of them eventually.  :-)

To help you get started, here's a text file I've compiled with my
thoughts on the remaining issues; some of them are easily fixed (e.g.,
text interface errors in musicxml) while others are rather thorny: in
particular, I notice the regression test for grace notes in polyphony
has been broken ever since the Grace_engraver took over the job of
setting and clearing graceSettings (which previously was set using
applyContext inside the grace-init.ly music blocks).

BTW, have you considered how this would work with the musicxml
regtests which should produce errors?  We can't set warning-as-error
for these, since the .ly files are auto-generated.

Valid programming errors:

grace-end-2.ly:                                 bounds of this piece aren't 
grace-end.ly:                                   bounds of this piece aren't 
page-breaking-page-count1.ly:                   number of pages is out of bounds
                                                tried to space systems on a bad 
number of pages
page-breaking-page-count2.ly:                   number of pages is out of 
bounds (x2)
                                                tried to space systems on a bad 
number of pages (x2)
page-breaking-page-count3.ly:                   number of pages is out of bounds
                                                tried to space systems on a bad 
number of pages
spacing-loose-grace-error.ly:                   Cannot determine neighbors for 
floating column.
                                                Loose column does not have 
right side to attach to.
spanner-break-beyond-parent.ly:                 Spanner `LyricExtender' is not 
fully contained in parent spanner. Ignoring orphaned part

Invalid programming errors (FIXME):

incipit.ly:                                     Grob `InstrumentName' has no 
interface for property `music' (fix pending)
parenthesize-singlenotes-chords-rests.ly:       Don't know how to parenthesize 
spanners. (tricky; picks up DynamicLineSpanner when parenthesizing dynamic)

Valid warnings:

beam-quant-standard.ly:                         Error in beam quanting. (x5) 
(might fix, depends on whether this is classed as regression)
beam-quarter.ly:                                beam was started here (x2)
clef-warn.ly:                                   unknown clef type `foo'
finger-chords-order.ly:                         Fingering notation for finger 
number 8/7/6 (deliberately invalid fingers)
glissando-no-break.ly:                          forced break was overridden by 
some other event, should you be using bar checks?
harp-pedals-sanity-checks.ly:                   (various error message checks)
harp-pedals.ly:                                 ditto, though perhaps these 
should be moved to the above?
markup-music-glyph.ly:                          Cannot find glyph UNKNOWN-GLYPH
page-break-warn-forbidden.ly:                   forced break was overridden by 
some other event, should you be using bar checks? (x2)
page-breaking-min-systems-per-page2.ly:         Can't fit systems on page -- 
ignoring between-system-padding
page-breaking-page-count3.ly:                   Can't fit systems on page -- 
ignoring between-system-padding
page-turn-page-breaking-badturns.ly:            cannot fit the first page turn 
onto a single page.  Consider setting first-page-number to an even number.
page-turn-page-breaking-repeats.ly:             ditto
repeat-unfold.ly:                               More alternatives than repeats. 
 Junking excess alternatives
repeat-volta.ly:                                ditto
skiptypesetting-bar-check.ly:                   barcheck failed at: 3/4
stem-tremolo.ly':                               tremolo duration is too long 
(x2) (perhaps move to new test for invalid durations?)
warn-conflicting-key-signatures.ly:             Two simultaneous key-change 
events, junking this one

Invalid warnings (FIXME):

beam-multiple-cross-staff.ly:                   ignoring too many clashing note 
dynamics-glyphs.ly:                             crescendo too small (due to 
ragged-right change to #t)
line-dashed-period.ly:                          unknown crescendo style: line 
(old override for crescendoSpanner)
part-combine-tuplet-single.ly:                  No tuplet to end (tricky to fix)
property-grace-polyphony.ly:                    ignoring too many clashing note 
columns (broken regression test; grace note messes up voice direction)
quote-during.ly:                                ignoring too many clashing note 
columns ('ignore-collision)
quote.ly:                                       ditto

MusicXML programming errors:

11c-TimeSignatures-CompoundSimple.ly:           programming error: Grob 
`TimeSignature' has no interface for property `text' (x5; easily fixed)
11d-TimeSignatures-CompoundMultiple.ly:         ditto
11e-TimeSignatures-CompoundMixed.ly:            ditto
11f-TimeSignatures-SymbolMeaning.ly:            ditto
42a-MultiVoice-TwoVoicesOnStaff-Lyrics.ly:      cyclic dependency: 
calculation-in-progress encountered for #'X-extent (PaperColumn)
46a-Barlines.ly:                                Improbable offset for stencil: 
inf staff space (x2; bad barline string, type not implemented yet)

MusicXML warnings (valid):

23b-Tuplets-Styles.ly:                          Tuplet brackets of curved shape 
are not correctly implemented
33e-Spanners-OctaveShifts-InvalidSize.ly:       Invalid octave shift size 
found: 27. Using no shift.

MusicXML warnings (invalid? CHECKME):

12a-Clefs.ly:                                   unknown clef type `None'
13a-KeySignatures.ly:                           No ordering for key signature 
alterations (x2) (outlandish keys)
24e-GraceNote-StaffChange.ly:                   cannot find context to switch to
41g-PartNoId.ly:                                no music found in score
45d-Repeats-Nested-Alternatives.ly:             More alternatives than repeats. 
 Junking excess alternatives
                                                Barcheck failed got 9 expect 10
61g-Lyrics-NameNumber.ly:                       unterminated hyphen; removing
61h-Lyrics-BeamsMelismata.ly:                   unterminated hyphen; removing
99b-Lyrics-BeamsMelismata-IgnoreBeams.ly:       unterminated hyphen; removing
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