I have installed LilyPond to OOo3.1
But it gives and error message in Basic:-
Basic Runtime Error - Variable not defined
This is the code fragment - the variable is CursorPosition near the end.
Happens in Writer and Draw exactly the same.

Function RowColToPos(sText As String, iRow, iCol As Integer) As Integer
        ' converts a position given as column and row within a text to 
character count
        ' from the beginning of the text
        Dim vLines As Variant
        Dim i As Integer
        vLines=Split(sText, Chr(10))
        ' If the String has less rows than row, put the cursor to the end
        If UBound(vLines)-LBound(vLines) + 1 < iRow Then
                Exit Function
        ' If row is 0 or negative put curser to the start
        If iRow < 1 Then
                Exit Function
        End If

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