Hello to all at Lilypond
   First off, I must say, I'm impressed with the results that I've seen with
your program, the engraving is beautiful.  I am running a Mac OS X 10.5.6, and
for some reason no drop-down menu appears while I am running Lilypond.  I've
installed it into my Applications folder and managed to save the example file to
my desktop, but when I open the program and click on the program's name in the
top menu bar, no menu appears.  I've also tried ctrl+clicking, to no avail; I
can't find the option for compiling the file anywhere.  I've read the manual all
the way up to the First Steps chapter that deals with opening and viewing the
example file (2.1.1 I believe) and I haven't found any solutions.  Hopefully
this is simply a problem of my own technological ignorance. 
Thanks for your time
-Joe B

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