Hi everybody

I've tried to convert a simple song from musicxml to lilypond using musicxml2ly.
I've recogized, that every syllable under a beam has been omitted in the
lilypondfile. I've looked into the musicxml2ly.py file and found this code

 # ignore lyrics for notes inside a slur, tie, chord or beam
 ignore_lyrics = inside_slur or is_tied or is_chord or is_beamed

which I changed to

 # ignore lyrics for notes inside a slur, tie, chord or beam
 ignore_lyrics = inside_slur or is_tied or is_chord 

Now all syllable are present in the lilypond file, but were not set under 
the beams correcly. So now I changed the following lines in the generated

   \layout {
     \context { \Score
        autoBeaming = ##f


  \layout {
    \context { \Score
        autoBeaming = ##f

Now everything seem to be ok. I dont know python very much, so I don't know if
my changes to musicxml2ly.py has any side effects. Maybe someone who has more
knowledge could have a look at this issue. If neccessay I can provide the xml
file of the song.


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