If a non-standard key signature is defined using the format which limits the
alterations to a single octave, the alterations defined in the key signature
persist only up to the end of the first bar which contains a pitch to be
They should persist indefinitely.
In this example the F# and Ab are notated correctly only in bar 1. A Bb
does not
appear until bar 3, when it is notated correctly, but is incorrect in bar 4.
\relative c' {
\set Staff.keySignature = #`(((0 . 3) . ,SHARP)
((0 . 5) . ,FLAT)
((0 . 6) . ,FLAT))
fis fis aes aes
fis fis aes aes
fis aes bes bes
fis aes bes bes
If the alternative (not limited to a single octave) form is used the key
do correctly persist indefinitely:
\relative c' {
\set Staff.keySignature = #`((3 . ,SHARP)
(5 . ,FLAT)
(6 . ,FLAT))
fis fis aes aes
fis fis aes aes
fis aes bes bes
fis aes bes bes
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