On 2008/11/26 01:01 +0100, Alfred M. Szmidt wrote:
> Lilypond and texinfo can play along together, but only when generating
> HTML, PDF or PNG output.  But, makeinfo can also generate info files
> that contain references to pictures, which would allow Info readers
> (e.g. Emacs info) to display Lilypond output.

We already know it and use it for LilyPond documentation (although Info
files with image references are not distributed with the binaries we
provide on lilypond.org).

> Currently, the image files lilypond-book generates when doing
> `lilypond-book foo.texi' are just .eps files but no .png files.  Would
> it be possible to `lilypond-book foo.texi' to produce .png files as
> well, and not only .eps?

> lilypond-book (GNU LilyPond) 2.10.33

Although it's officially the latest stable release, 2.10.33 is really
ancient.  I can recommend you to switch to 2.11.65, which is a release
candidate for 2.12.0; with this version, I get a PNG when running your
test file with the exact command line you mentioned.

FWIW lilypond-book doesn't use @image when generating Texinfo output for
HTML, it directly inserts HTML code as you have noticed.


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