It *does* use the horizontal space optimally, but I don't think I've
ever seen a published score where it looks like this. I'd have to check
a notation style manual to know if it's a rule, but I'm pretty sure the
clef is supposed to come before the barline. Anyway the trick using
\grace {s4} places the clef exactly where I want it, so there's no
reason to change the current behavior. Best,
Werner LEMBERG wrote:
Notice how in the lower staff when the clef changes from alto to
treble, the treble clef is shoved all the way into the next bar
instead of remaining behind the barline. When I take out the grace
notes from the upper staff, the clef change happens as expected. Is
this a bug?
Actually, I like this behaviour. It uses the horizontal space in an
optimal way. However, I don't know whether this `solution' is
intentionally selected by lilypond or caused unexpectedly.
Jonathan Kulp
bug-lilypond mailing list