> I'm not top posting.

Hi there,

Greetings from Melbourne!

I am creating a hymnbook in Khmer/Cambodian.
I am currently using legacy fonts with all associated problems.
I would like to use real unicode, but the rendering of lilypond is not
quite correct yet.

The precise problem is the rendering of ligatures and the correct
placement of diacritics in that context.

An example is the word in the title:
U+1780 U+17D2 U+179B U+17B6 

U+1780 and U+17B6  form a ligature the has a wider spacing than U+1780
alone. This does not seem to be understood by lilypond.

The ligature of U+17D2 and U+179B should be placed somewhere in the
middle of the ligature.

Please find below the ly-file.

\version "2.6.5"
\header {
  title =  \markup { \override #'(font-name . "Khmer Mondulkiri book") {"ក្លាក" 

} }
one=  \relative c' \context Voice="melody" {
    \clef "violin"
   \partial 4
global = {
        \time 4/4
        \key c \major
\score{ <<
        \new Staff << \global \new Voice  { \one } 
%%% Local Variables:
%%% coding: utf-8
%%% End:

Best regards,

 <'`)))><  <'`)))><  ><((('>  <'`)))><
Didi: Melbourne, Australia
Mobile: +61-435058750
Time: GMT+10

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