2008/8/15 Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Francisco Vila wrote:
>> Then, you are saying that in my example
>>  \lyrics { \set associatedVoice = v \textDurations }   % correct
>>  \lyrics { \set associatedVoice = v \textNodurations } % wrong:
>> durations needed, issues warning
>> the wrong case is rather wrong implicit durations assumed, and warning
>> is issued for another reason?
> Please give the full example. As I explained earlier, the lines
> textDurations=\lyricmode{ c2 d4 e8 f longggggg1 }
> textNodurations=\lyricmode{ c d e f longggggg }
> are equivalent to
> textDurations=\lyricmode{ c2 d4 e8 f8 longggggg1 }
> textNodurations=\lyricmode{ c1 d1 e1 f1 longggggg1 }
> and LilyPond gives a warning since there are syllables left when the music
> is over.

Yes, I think this is the case.

> The warning formulation is perhaps a bit misleading, since for example you
> don't get
> any such warning in the following case, even though the result is far from
> perfect, to
> say the least.
> <<
> \new Voice = v {c'2 d'4 f' g1 }
> \new Lyrics \lyricmode{ \set associatedVoice = v Two4 short syl -- lab --
> les }
>   /Mats

If you had the time, it would be great that you support guru were
composing the GDP docs, this would save us all months of time.
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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