On 2008/05/24, Neil Puttock wrote:
> Here's a patch to fix it; it's pretty straightforward.

Yes it is, I also fixed it yesterday while being offline, I merged with
your patch applied by Graham and pushed.

While we're working on ottava brackets, what about changing default
formatting, i.e. formatting "va" ("ma" respectively) in "8va" ("15ma"
resp.) as superscript?  The attached PNG is a recompilation of the
regtest after making the attached change.

diff --git a/scm/music-functions.scm b/scm/music-functions.scm
index c700f19..36cec6a 100644
--- a/scm/music-functions.scm
+++ b/scm/music-functions.scm
@@ -456,11 +456,17 @@ OTTAVATION to `8va', or whatever appropriate."
 	    (ly:context-unset-property where 'ottavation)))
       (let* ((offset (* -7 octavation))
-	     (string (cdr (assoc octavation '((2 . "15ma")
-					      (1 . "8va")
-					      (0 . #f)
-					      (-1 . "8vb")
-					      (-2 . "15mb"))))))
+	     (octavation-string (lambda (n supscript)
+				  (markup
+				   #:line
+				   (#:concat
+				    (n #:tiny #:raise 0.7 supscript)))))
+	     (string (cdr (assoc octavation
+				 (list (cons 2 (octavation-string "15" "ma"))
+				       (cons 1 (octavation-string "8" "va"))
+				       '(0 . #f)
+				       (cons -1 (octavation-string "8" "vb"))
+				       (cons -2 (octavation-string "15" "mb")))))))
 	(ly:context-set-property! context 'middleCOffset offset)
 	(ly:context-set-property! context 'ottavation string)
 	(ly:set-middle-C! context)))

<<inline: ottava.png>>

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