It's a bit hard to guess exactly what the problem is without seeing the
output or having access to a complete example that illustrates the problem.
However, some bugs related to tuplets and staff switches have been fixed
recently in the development series, so if you try version 2.1.37 it is
fixed. The 2.11 releases also contain a number of other improvements and
I would consider it at least as good as the latest 2.10.x release in
terms of
stability and lack of bugs.
Oscar wrote:
I'm not top posting.
Hi All,
For a piece of piano music, I wrote a part with 2-hand arpeggios in \times 8/7.
It was originally written with LilyPond 2.6.? where the output looked ok, but
with v. 2.10.25, the "--- 7 ---" signs (dunno how they're called in English
:-/) get printed in the wrong direction when the arpeggio goes down (upwards
works fine).
This is the code (upper staff, lower staff is just s1*4)
\change Staff = lower
\times 8/7 { es,,32 g bes es \change Staff = upper g bes es}
\times 8/7 { g es bes g \change Staff = lower es bes g}
\times 8/7 { es g bes es \change Staff = upper g bes es}
\times 8/7 { g es bes g \change Staff = lower es bes g}
\times 8/7 { f as c f \change Staff = upper as c f}
\times 8/7 { as f c as \change Staff = lower f c as}
\times 8/7 { f as c f \change Staff = upper as c f}
\times 8/7 { as f c as \change Staff = lower f c as}
\times 8/7 { as c f as \change Staff = upper c f as}
\times 8/7 { c as f c \change Staff = lower as f c}
\times 8/7 { as c f as \change Staff = upper c f as}
\times 8/7 { c as f c \change Staff = lower as f c}
\times 8/7 { g b d g \change Staff = upper b d g}
\times 8/7 { b g d b \change Staff = lower g d b}
\times 8/7 { g b d g \change Staff = upper b d g}
\times 8/7 { b g d b \change Staff = lower g d b}
I can mail more of the code and the full output (correct and erroneous) if that
might help.
Thanks for your great product!
bug-lilypond mailing list
Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260
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