In my opinion, it's rather a bug (or at least strange) that you do get
the repeats
when you don't have the \unfoldRepeats command.
The basic philosophy behind LilyPond is that the input should represent
the music itself, not primarily how it's represented. Your \music variable
only describes 4 measures of music, not the 5 measures you get when you
play the repeats. I always include the \repeat commands together with the
music, i.e.
music=\relative c' {
\repeat unfold 8 c8 |
\repeat volta 2 {
\repeat unfold 8 d |
} \alternative{{\repeat unfold 8 g,|}{ g a b c ~ c2 }}
If you look carefully at the output of your example, you will notice that
the \unfoldRepeats actually makes a difference, since you get an empty
5th measure which is the result of unfolding your \global.
Peter Chubb wrote:
Try this:
\version "2.10.29"
global = {
\skip 1 |
\repeat volta 2 {
\skip 1
}\alternative {{ \skip 1 } {\skip 1 }}
music=\relative c' {
\repeat unfold 8 c8 |
\repeat unfold 8 d |
\repeat unfold 8 g,|
g a b c ~ c2
\score {
\unfoldRepeats \context Staff << \global \music >>
Without \unfoldRepeats, the music looks correct. With \unfoldRepeats,
no repeats are shown and nothing is unfolded. As this is a pretty
common idiom (introduced to me by Jan) surely it should be supported?
(BTW, here's what I'm using it for: to produce midi versions of stuff
minus the clarinet part, so I can play along. But I want repeats
to be observed in the Midi output!)
Peter C
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Signal Processing
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