Issue 471: explicitKeySignatureVisibility shouldn't be necessary here

New issue report by gpermus:
The setting of Staff.explicitKeySignatureVisibility shouldn't be
necessary in the following example:

\version "2.11.32"
\score {
 \new StaffGroup \relative c''{
   \new Staff
   \key f \major
   c1 c^"Unwanted extra space" \break
   << { c1 c }
      \new Staff {
        \key f \major
        c1 c
   c1 c^"Fixed here" \break
   << { c1 c }
      \new Staff {
        \once \set Staff.explicitKeySignatureVisibility =
        \key f \major
        c1 c

Issue attributes:
        Status: Accepted
        Owner: gpermus
        Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Low

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