Please read about the difference between ties and slurs in the section on
"Ties and Slurs" in the tutorial. You may also find the "Glossary", from the
LilyPond Documentation web page, useful if you are not so familiar to the
english nomenclature for music typesetting.


Edgar Riegger wrote:
Hello, from the following music the pdf/ps files miss ties. The tie fis4-> ~ g4 is missing, the tie g4 ~ g2 is there. The tie gis4-> ~ a4 is missing, the tie a4 ~ a2 is there. c4^"Solo" e2 f4 | fis4-> ~ g4 ~ g2 | c,4 f2 g4 gis4-> ~ a4 ~ a2 |

Did I make a mistake or did I missunderstood something ? Below you can find a short repro "Tie Test". I can send the complete music if it would help.
Thanks for your help,


% T I E T E S T
\include ""
\version "2.11.30"

\header {
        title = "Tie Test"
        instrument = "1. Tenor-Saxophon in B"

\score {
        \relative c' {
                % \tempo Tempo di Marcia
\time 2/2 \repeat volta 2 {
                        \mark "Tempo di Marcia"
                        \key f \major
f'2->\f e2-> | d2-> c2-> | a4 c2 f4 | e4 d4 c2 | c4^"Solo" e2 f4 | fis4-> ~ g4 ~ g2 | c,4 f2 g4 gis4-> ~ a4 ~ a2 | f2->^"Tutti" e2-> | d2-> c2-> | f,2-> a2-> | b4 d4 g2 | d4^"Solo" g2 g4 | a4 f4 c2 | g'4^"Tutti" g4 g8-. g8-- ~ g4

                \alternative {
                        { a4 r4 e2-> }
                        { a4 r4 a4.-> a8 | }

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        Signal Processing
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