Issue 348: \unfoldRepeats { blah music } is different from { blah {music} }!
New issue report by gpermus: %{ As long as we don't use \unfoldRepeats, both syntax forms provide the same output. In version 2.8 and earlier, we used to have warning message "warning: expect 2 elements for chord tremolo, found 1" but it seems that this warning was removed in the revision;a=blobdiff;f=lily/;h=60800064c91ae4dd91b60b35827377fbbafc4694;hp=dd1c040946f78a315f2ddc8bd357770ee567221c;hb=7c578820eb536c7ff135c351932e418f5bda1c80;hpb=db735aad5ee3f02cb82f32d8b314f1bcb7ec91ff Still, the function unfold-repeats in scm/music-functions.scm only checks if the argument is a SequentialMusic or an EventChord, which is too simplistic if the ordinary engraver doesn't distinguish between the two cases. %} \relative c' { \unfoldRepeats {\repeat tremolo 4 c8 } % Works correctly \unfoldRepeats {\repeat tremolo 4 { c8 } } % Gives 16th notes!!! } Attachments: foo.preview.png 2.0 KB Issue attributes: Status: Accepted Owner: gpermus Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or CC fields of this issue, or because you starred this issue. You may adjust your issue notification preferences at: _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list