Ok, I think this is a bug.

I've just learned how to make an arpeggio crossing voices (thanks
Mat), the problem is that I want arpeggios with arrow and when I say
to connect the arpegios, it's converted to a neutral one.

%%% START CODE %%%

\new Staff \with {\consists "Span_arpeggio_engraver"}  {
<< {\arpeggioUp <d'' f'' a''>2\arpeggio }   \\  { \arpeggioUp <b' d'
f'>2\arpeggio }  >>

\set Staff.connectArpeggios = ##t
<< {\arpeggioUp <d'' f'' a''>2\arpeggio }   \\  { \arpeggioUp <b' d'
f'>2\arpeggio }  >>

%%% END CODE %%%

Jose Luis

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