Hello, LilyPond 2.11.16 and 2.11.17-2 (Windows XP) crashes with the code below. With 2.11.14 it worked. Sorry, I could not reproduce with a smaller example.
Thomas -- Parsing... Interpreting music... [8][16][24] Preprocessing graphical objects... programming error: tried to space systems on a bad number of pages continuing, cross fingers -- And here is the code: -- \version "2.11.15" #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f) #(set-global-staff-size 23) global = { \time 4/4 \clef "G_8" \key e \major \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic guitar (nylon)" } Melody = \context Voice = "Melody" { \voiceOne \override Voice.MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position = #4 \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #2 #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 1 4 'Staff) #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 1 2 'Staff) #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * * *) 3 4 'Staff) \relative c' { b8 b cis b d2-4 | r8 b cis b d cis~ cis4 | r8 b cis b d2 | r8 b cis b e d~ d4 | \break % 5 e8 e fis e g2 | r8 e fis e g fis~ fis4 | b,8 b cis b d2 | r8 b cis b e d~ d4 | \break % 9 R1 | r8 e fis e g e fis e~ | e4 d cis c | b bes8 a~a4 b, | \bar "||" \break % 13 b'8 b cis b d2-4 | r8 b cis b d cis~ cis4 | r8 b cis b d2 | r8 b cis b e d~d4 | \break % 17 e8 e fis e g2 | r8 e fis e g fis~fis4 | b,8 b cis b d2 | r8 b cis b e d~d4 | \break % 21 R1 | r8 e fis e g e fis e~ | e4 d cis c | b8 g gis e~e2 | \bar "|." } } Bass = \context Voice = "Bass" { \voiceTwo \override Voice.Rest #'staff-position = #-7 \relative c, { e4 e e e | e e e e | e e e e | e e e e | % 5 a a a a | a a a a | e e e e | e e e e | % 9 b' b b bes8 a~ | a4 r r2 | e4 r r2 | r2 r4 b' | % 13 e,2. b'4_2 | e,2. b'4 | e,2. b'4 | e,1 | a4 a a a | a a a a | e e e e | e e e e | b' b b bes8 a~ | a4 r r2 | e4 r r2 | r2 \revert Voice.Rest #'staff-position r4 e | } } changes = \context ChordNames \chordmode { \germanChords e1:7 s1*3 % 5 a1:7 s e:7 s % 9 b:7 a:7 e:7 b:7 % 13 e:7 s s s a:7 s e:7 s b:7 a:7 e:7 } \score { << \global \changes << \Melody \\ \Bass >> >> \layout {} } \paper { left-margin=2 \cm %bottom-margin=2 \cm line-width=18 \cm indent=0 \cm %ragged-last-bottom=##f } -- _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list bug-lilypond@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond