Nice catch! Thanks, added as
- Graham
PS if you have created a minimal example like this, and have read the
relevant page of the docs, it's safe to assume that it's a bug and you
can send it directly to the bugs list.
Roland Goretzki wrote:
Hi at all,
(version 2.10.15)
Setting the direction of staccato with "_"
causes wrong positioning in x-direction.
The very small .ly-snippet below demonstrates this.
But I'm not sure, if this is a bug or a feature.
If it were a feature, I would like to get a hint,
how to disable this feature for some cases.
Thanks in advance!
Best Regards Roland
\version "2.10.15" on debian sarge 3.1
\layout { ragged-right = ##t }
\relative c''{
<g a>-.
<g a>_.
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