I tried to install the OOoLilyPond macros. 
(under Windows XP OpenOffice 2.03 french version)

1) in the steps described on http://ooolilypond.sourceforge.net/

- Select from the Menu: "Tools" --> "Macros" --> "Organize Macros" -->
"OpenOffice.org Basic..."
- Click "Organizer..."
- Go to the tab "Libraries"
- Select the radio button "OpenOffice.org"
- Click "Append..."

was not allowed....
Thus I puted it in "Mes macros et boites de dialogue" 
(my macros and dialog-boxes)

- In the file dialog open the file "C:\Program Files\basic\script.xlb"

I had puted it in "C:\Program Files\LilyPond\OOoLilyPond\basic\script.xlb"
I told Ooo so.

- In the "Append Libraries" dialog click "OK"
- Close all open dialog boxes

Then append the macro Ctrl+M (no problem)

2) But, when I runed the macro ctrl+M ... 

It appeared an error in the OooLilyPond/subs pointed to the line :

"ReDim Preserve sTemplate(i-1) As String"

with the error box :
"valeur ou type de donnée incorrecte, index hors de la plage définie"

wrong value or data type, index out of ....


Pierre Veuillez

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