> I'm not top posting. % I'm sorry, but it seems unpossible to make it shorter!
% The following shows wrong behaviour of extender line: % If the piano has notes faster than melody, extender line doesn't work, % and if the piano has notes as fast as or less fast than melody, % e. l. does work. \version "2.10.11" \layout { ragged-right = ##t } melody = \relative c' { f2( g c1) } text = \lyricmode { \small Oh! __ } rechts = \context Staff \relative c'{ d4 e f d c1 %g1 c % incommenting this line and outcommenting the above will show extender line working well } links = \context Staff \relative c{ b2 g c,1 } \score { << \new Voice = "mel" << \melody >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto mel \text \context PianoStaff << \context Staff = "up" << \rechts >> \context Staff = "down" << \clef bass \links >> >> >> } _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list bug-lilypond@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond