I can lecture about recitative time signatures, but I can't remember to
change e-mail subject lines. *sigh* Fixed.

I am not picky about standards. I will do whatever is functional and
errorless. As it stands, there is no option that satisfies both.

The options:

a) \partial 4*3 r2 r4. Typographically correct (?), but -- and this is a
big but! -- lilypond treats this as non-multimeasure-rest content, and
makes the staff containing the partial visible when there's nothing
useful present. To give you an idea, I have a score with 20+
instruments; the last system (containing the partial) only has four
instruments playing. Using 'r2 r4' will cause every single instrument to
appear. This is bad.

b) \partial 4*3 R1*3/4 or just R1*3/4 or R2. . Keeps instruments with
nothing to play invisible. Also produces one error message per
instrument. This is bad.

The example I show is not that contrived. I can point to works from
Haydn, Handel and Mozart that begin on 4/4 and end on a partial 3/4 --
this is because they start the next movement on a 1/4. This is
particularly common in recitative.


----- Original Message -----

> Message: 4
> Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 01:34:20 -0500
> From: Marnen Laibow-Koser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Failure to Recognise Partial Measures
> To: bug-lilypond@gnu.org
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> [...]
> > Since the final measure in your example will not be a full
> > measure,
> > it seems a bit strange to use a full measure rest symbol and not
> "r2
> > r4".
> [...]
> I agree with you.  As far as I know -- and I could be wrong --
> accepted
> practice is to use a whole rest *only* for a measure of full value
> in
> the current meter.  A partial measure would be represented by other
> rest
> symbols, so this should have been r2 r4.
> Then again, Will's example is slightly contrived in that you
> normally
> wouldn't have a partial measure at the end of a piece unless you
> have
> one at the beginning as well.  In this case, maybe the final
> measure
> should have been written in 3/4 time or filled out with an
> additional
> quarter rest.
> Best,
> Marnen

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