I'm missing something -- what "such stuff" is Hans referring? The automatic updates of bugs?

I personally like it, since it saves me from having to subscribe to every single bug in the tracker. For other people, it can be useful to see what's happening -- ok, all the one-line "fixed / verified" emails aren't useful (although they give me a warm fuzzy feeling at all the bugs we've been squashing), but the other messages can prompt more discussion. Mats' question about bug 135 is an example of this.

Mats Bengtsson wrote:
An advantage of keeping it on the bug mailing list is that
- The person who originally reported the error will see the progress
 without having to subscribe to yet another mailing list (at least if (s)he
 already subscribed to bug-lilypond to be able to send the bug report.

I believe that most non-devel bug reporters use the gmane interface, so this isn't such a big deal.

- The follow-up discussions will go to the relevant mailing list (bug-lilypond)
 and Han-Wen/Graham can respond to the discussion by entering something
in the bug tracker - there's no need to duplicate the answers both here and
 in the bug tracker.

Yes, definitely!

I'd rather keep it as is.

- Graham

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