v2.11.0 Windows 2000 and Windows XP. 

If I try to use the tagged variable called \varNamesFrets with the desired
tag filter, LilyPond suffers a hard crash with this message: 

The instruction at "0x00554e42" referenced memory at "0x0000000c" the memory
could not be "read". 

The example below will run as-is and produce the crash.  To run it without a
crash, simply uncomment \varFrets and comment out \keepWithTag.

Can anyone get this tagged variable to work without crashing?  Or did I do
something very wrong here syntax-wise?  Or did I uncover a genuine crash


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EXAMPLE BEGIN 

\version "2.11.0"
\include "english.ly"

varNamesFrets = {
\transpose c c \tag #'chordname { <c e g a d'> } \tag #'chordfret {
\relative { <e\5-1 a-1 d-1 g-3 c-3> } }
\transpose c df \tag #'chordname { <c e g a d'> } \tag #'chordfret {
\relative { <e\5-1 a-1 d-1 g-3 c-3> } }
\transpose c d \tag #'chordname { <c e g a d'> } \tag #'chordfret {
\relative { <e\5-1 a-1 d-1 g-3 c-3> } }

varFrets = {
\transpose c c \relative { <e\5-1 a-1 d-1 g-3 c-3> }
\transpose c df \relative { <e\5-1 a-1 d-1 g-3 c-3> }
\transpose c d \relative { <e\5-1 a-1 d-1 g-3 c-3> }

\score {


   \new Staff
        #(set-accidental-style 'forget)
        \key c \major
        % use keepWithTag below to see crash, but using \varFrets works ok
        \keepWithTag #'chordfret \varNamesFrets



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EXAMPLE END

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