I'm trying to use bookTitleMarkup to produce front pages using
data from the header block.  This works, kind of, but I've
stumbled upon a bug:

When I set breakbefore = ##t, the horisontal spacing of the score
gets very loose.  Instead of getting one additional page, as
expected, a score may jump from 2 to 6 pages...

I've boiled it down to something close to a minimum:

\version "2.9.19"

#(set-global-staff-size 18)

\header {
  title = "breakbefore spacing test"
  subtitle = "breakbefore = ##t causes problems with this score"
  piece = "Test"
  texidoc = "When run with breakbefore = ##t, this file gives 6 pages
             of output, as opposed to 2 pages with breakbefore == ##f.
             For some reason, horisontal spacing gets much too loose.
             The expected difference is of one page only.

Version 2.8.1 gives 4 vs. 3 pages with the expected one-page difference.

Version 2.9.24 gives 3 pages in both cases, but the spacing is
vertically loose and horisontally too tight.

It looks like this problem found its current shape in 2.9.25, but the
underlying problem may be older.

\paper {
  annotate-spacing = ##t
  ragged-last-bottom = ##f

somemusic = \relative c'' { c4\f d\< e f | g8( a\> g fis g2)\! | 
                            g8.\p( g16) g8( g16\< g g g g g g4) | g1\mf | R1}

 \score {

  \context Score <<
    \new ChoirStaff <<
      \new Staff <<
        \new Voice = foo { \repeat unfold 16 \somemusic \bar "|." }      >>
      \new Staff <<
        \new Voice = foo { \repeat unfold 16 \somemusic \bar "|." }     >>   >> 
  \header {
    breakbefore = ##t

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