Please always tell what LilyPond version you use. Here it may also be relevant to know what operating system you have. I've included a copy of your email to the bug-lilypond mailing list, since I'm certain that the main hackers are interested in
this issue.


Valentin Villenave wrote:
I'm a French composer and I'm planing to use lilypond for a rather
ambitious project, so I need to know if it's reliable enough to
process huge orchestral scores.
Since I did'nt find anything big enough on mutopia, I've downloaded a
midi file on the midi classical archive (yeah it sucks, I won't do it
again I promise), I converted it using midi2ly, and updated it using
convert-ly for better compatibility.

It was originally a 29KB dirty midi file, and then I got a 20KB cute
little ly text. It's an orchestral Stravinsky excerpt.

So I run lilypond... and : "ERROR : Stack overflow"

there seems to be a problem with guile ; I've seen John Mandereau has
got the same problem.

So my question is : does it mean lilypond is'nt strong enough to
handle massive full scores ? Can I really trust it ? Do you need a
superman-config to be able to run it in such cases (I've got 512 MB
RAM, a Sempron 3000+ and LOTS of swap) ? and so on...

Well maybe my MIDI-convertion-thing was quite an odd tricky test, and
maybe it's pretty insane to put every orchestral parts in a single .ly
file instead of using include fonction. But I was, however, quite
disappointed. It's such a great software !

Here's my output (it is unfortunately in French) :

8882 éléments dénombrés[0][1][2][3][4]
Sortie mise en page vers «
In /usr/local/lilypond/usr/bin/../share/guile/1.8/ice-9/format.scm:
180: 32* [format:out #<output: string 89a7b30> "~f" (0.2)]
193: 33  (let ((arg-pos #) (arg-len #)) (cond (# # # #) (else # #t)))
193: 34* [format:format-work "~f" (0.2)]
209: 35  (letrec (# # # # ...) (set! format:pos 0) (set!
format:arg-pos 0) ...) 805: 36* [anychar-dispatch]
289: 37  (if (>= format:pos format-string-len) arg-pos ...)
323: 38  (case (char-upcase #) (# # # #) (# # # #) ...)
367: 39* (if format:floats (format:out-fixed modifier (next-arg) ...) ...)
368: 40  [format:out-fixed #f 0.2 ()]
1181: 41  (cond (# #) (digits # # #) (else # # #))
1205: 42* [format:parse-float "0.2" #t 0]
1438: 43  (do (# # # # ...) (# # # # ...) (set! c #) ...)
1456: 44* (if fixed? (begin (if (and # #) (if # # ...)) (if (or # #)
(let # #))) ...)
1458: 45  (begin (if (and # #) (if # # #)) (if (or # #) (let # #)))
1459: 46* (if (and # #) (if # # #))
1460: 47  (if (> format:fn-dot left-zeros) (begin # # #) (begin # # #))
1465: 48 (begin (format:fn-shiftleft format:fn-dot) (set! left-zeros #) ...)
1466: 49* [format:fn-shiftleft 1]
1593: 50* (if # #)
1593: 51* (> n format:fn-len)

In expression (> n format:fn-len):
Stack overflow

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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