Hi, when compiling a two-staves score, I get a stack overflow with LilyPond 2.9.21 (GUB for x86 Linux), as well as with all versions starting from about 2.9.14 (compiled from CVS with GPL-GS 8.51 and Guile 1.8.0 on Fedora Core 5), whereas it compiles fine with Lily 2.8.x.
I didn't reported it before because I wasn't able to reduce the file to a minimal example, which may be not surprising for this kind of bug: if I remove one of the two staves, or if I remove a few bars (6 at the begining, or 15 at the end or in the middle), there is no more stack overflow, so it seems to be triggered by a big amount of layout objects, not by some objects in particular. But now I see 2.10 will be released soon, there is still this bug. The score is not so big (19 KB source, 90 bars, and 6 pages of output in 2.8), and it heavily uses embeddded postscript, special noteheads, glissandos and compound time signatures. Here's the end of the output I got with Lily 2.9.21 with --ps --verbose flags: Preprocessing graphical objects... Grob count 24[sans_bold_2.458984375] Calculating line breaks... Drawing systems... Element count 19.[0]Backtrace: In /home/lilydevel/lilypond/usr/bin/../share/lilypond/current/scm/define-grobs.scm: 2040: 171 (let* (# #) (if # normal-callback #)) ... 2047: 172 [ly:hara-kiri-group-spanner::pure-height # 488 494] In unknown file: ?: 173* [pure-Y-offset #<Grob RehearsalMark > 542 548] In /home/lilydevel/lilypond/usr/bin/../share/lilypond/current/scm/define-grobs.scm: 2055: 174* [pure-conversion (#) (#) Y-offset ...] 2040: 175 (let* (# #) (if # normal-callback #)) ... 2047: 176 [ly:side-position-interface::pure-y-aligned-side # 542 548] In unknown file: ?: 177* [pure-Y-extent #<Grob VerticalAxisGroup > 542 548] In /home/lilydevel/lilypond/usr/bin/../share/lilypond/current/scm/define-grobs.scm: 2051: 178* [pure-conversion (#) (# # # # ...) Y-extent ...] 2040: 179 (let* (# #) (if # normal-callback #)) ... 2047: 180 [ly:hara-kiri-group-spanner::pure-height # 542 548] In unknown file: ?: 181* [pure-Y-offset #<Grob DynamicLineSpanner > 20 36] In /home/lilydevel/lilypond/usr/bin/../share/lilypond/current/scm/define-grobs.scm: 2055: 182* [pure-conversion (#) (#) Y-offset ...] 2040: 183 (let* (# #) (if # normal-callback #)) ... 2047: 184 [ly:side-position-interface::pure-y-aligned-side # 20 36] In unknown file: ?: 185* [pure-Y-extent #<Grob NoteColumn > 20 36] In /home/lilydevel/lilypond/usr/bin/../share/lilypond/current/scm/define-grobs.scm: 2051: 186* [pure-conversion (#) (# # # # ...) Y-extent ...] 2040: 187 (let* (# #) (if # normal-callback #)) ... 2044: 188 (if (pair? (assq normal-callback pures)) (normal-callback grob) ...) 2044: 189* [pair? ... 2044: 190* (assq normal-callback pures) /home/lilydevel/lilypond/usr/bin/../share/lilypond/current/scm/define-grobs.scm:2044:20: In expression (assq normal-callback pures): /home/lilydevel/lilypond/usr/bin/../share/lilypond/current/scm/define-grobs.scm:2044:20: Stack overflow I don't want to send the whole file on the list because it is too copyrighted, but I can send it privately on request from the developers. HTH, -- John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list bug-lilypond@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond