I'm using the following markup to set my headings, the markup for page 1
causes lily to hard crash whenever I try to change the \fontsize#4.3
statement to any value above #4.3.  But this only happens on some of my
songs, other songs let me get up to larger or smaller font sizes.  Is this a
known bug?  It is Windows XP, the error message says:

The instruction at "0x0052aeae1" referenced memory at "0xfffffff8".  The
memory could not be "read".

I believe some pointer is maybe going "negative", isn't "0xfffffff8" a
negative two's complementary binary number?

Earlier versions of lily did not do this.  I also tried using \column
instead of \center-align, with same results.

    oddHeaderMarkup = \markup {
      \on-the-fly #first-page {
         \fill-line {
            { \normal-text \sans \normalsize \varArranger }
            { \override #'(baseline-skip . 2.5) \center-align { { \bold
\fontsize #4.3 \varTitle } { \sans \italic \normalsize \bigger \varSubTitle
} } }
            { \normal-text \sans \normalsize \varComposer }
      \on-the-fly #last-page {
         \on-the-fly #not-single-page {
            \fill-line {
               { \varTitle "last page" }
      \on-the-fly #inner-page {
         \fill-line {
            { \varTitle "continued" }

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