I found a fix for this, and no longer consider it a bug.  When I also add
"system-count = 1" to the markup score then it works fine.  It seems that if
your are using system-count at all in your main score then you MUST ALSO
specify a system-count on any \markup scores.  Lilypond the respects
both/all system-count's.  Actually this is pretty good because it gives you
a handy way to limit and control longer ossias.  Please disregard this bug

Rick Hansen (aka RickH) wrote:
> v2.9.17 
> I believe I have uncovered a bug when using the \markup { \score { ... } }
> capability.  In the following example I assign a markup score of 2
> measures to a variable called "varFreeFormOssia".  Then in the main music
> I apply that markup variable to a note.  I would expect 2 measures of
> markup score to print, however only the first measure shows up.  To
> confirm that my markup score is ok, it prints 2 measures just fine when it
> is run as a stand-alone score NOT in markup. 
> This example will run as-is and demonstrates the bug.  Here is a link on
> the lilypond users forum that has a little more info, related to
> system-count.
> http://www.nabble.com/Problem-with-%5Cmarkup-%7B-%5Cscore-%7D-quitting-after-first-measure-tf2308238.html
> I want to add that omitting the system-count parameter fixes this symptom
> (but not the bug), however in my case that omission is not an option
> because I depend on system-count to fit same songs on many different paper
> sizes.  I avoid at all costs using \break tags in my music so that I can
> freely change paper sizes using the same musical notes free of \break
> tags.  I would think there has to be a way to fix this bug and still keep
> the ability to specify the system-count parameter which prevents my page
> overflows.
> thanks 
> Rick 
> \version "2.9.17" 
> \include "english.ly" 
> varFreeFormOssia = \markup { 
>    \score { 
>        \new Staff \with { 
>             \remove Time_signature_engraver 
>             \remove Clef_engraver 
>             \remove Key_engraver 
>             } % end ossia staff with 
>             { 
>                #(set-accidental-style 'modern) 
>                \clef "treble" 
>                \key ef \major 
>                \time 4/4 
>                \relative c' { 
>                   % ossia measure 1 
>                   a'^\markup { \tiny \sans "dear ossia, measures two, how
> come only one measure is printing you?" } b c d 
>                   | 
>                   % ossia measure 2 
>                   e f g a 
>                   | 
>                } % end ossia measures 
>             } % end ossia staff music 
>        \layout { 
>             ragged-right = ##t 
>             ragged-last = ##t 
>             ragged-bottom = ##t 
>             ragged-last-bottom = ##t 
>             indent = 0.0\in 
>        } % end ossia layout 
>    } % end ossia score 
> } % end ossia markup 
> % Begin main score 
> \score { 
>    \new Staff { 
>          #(set-accidental-style 'modern) 
>          \clef "treble" 
>          \key ef \major 
>          \time 4/4 
>          \relative c'' { 
>          %1 
>             g'4. g8 g2~ | 
>          %2 
>             g8 r <c,\3> ef \times 2/3 { <g\2>4 f ef } | 
>          %3 
>             <g a, ef'>1~ | 
>          %4 
>             g8 r c, ef \times 2/3 { g4 f ef } | 
>          %5 
>             <g af, ef'>1~ | 
>          %6 
>             g8 r c, ef \times 2/3 { g4 f ef } | 
>          %7 
>            \once \override TextScript #'padding = #6 
>             g2_\varFreeFormOssia gs2 | 
>          %8 
>             a2 gs2 | 
>          %9 
>             g2 gs2 | 
>          %10 
>             a2 bf2 \bar "||" 
>          } % end notes 
>    } % end staff 
>    \layout { 
>          ragged-right = ##f 
>          ragged-last = ##f 
>          ragged-bottom = ##t 
>          ragged-last-bottom = ##t 
>          indent = 0.0\in 
>          system-count = #2 
>          \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } 
>          \context { \Score 
>             \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t 
>          } 
>          \context { \Staff 
>             \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(0 . 0) 
>          } 
>    } % end main layout 
> } % end main score 

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