Ian Hulin wrote:
> %{
>             Lilypond 2.8.6 running on Windows 2000 SP4
> %}
> \version "2.8.6" 
> music = {
> c1
> << 
>   \tag #'part <<
>     R1 \\
>     {
>       \set fontSize = #-1
>       c4_"cue" f2 g4 }
>   >>
>   \tag #'score R1
> >> 
> c1
> \tag #'(score part) <<
>             c4 d e f g a b c
>             >>
> }
> \relative c' {
>              \keepWithTag #'part \music
> }
> Compilation log:
> C:\Documents and Settings\ian.HULIN\My Documents\Music\Robert Russell
> Bennett\Rondo Capiccioso> lilypond test.ly 
> Processing `test.ly'
> Parsing...
> test.ly:14:0: wrong type for argument 1.  Expecting symbol, found (score
> part)
> \tag #'(score part) <<
> Interpreting music... [4]
> Preprocessing graphical objects... 
> Calculating line breaks... [3][4]
> Calculating page breaks...
> Layout output to `test.ps'...
> Converting to `test.pdf'...
> error: failed files: "test.ly"
> Process lilypond exited with code 1
> Lilypond help page section 8.2.8 
> The argument of the \tag command should be a symbol, or a list of symbols,
> for example, 
> \tag #'(original-part transposed-part) ...
> Ian Hulin

That is not a bug: AFAIK '(score part) is not a list of symbols, it is a
constant list whose elements are the variables score and part. The quote
"'" before the list means the list is constant. So there should be
quotes not before the list but before score and part, so that score and
parts are not variables but symbols: ('score 'part) is a list of

However, I don't know where you have quoted the documentation from: both
versions 2.8 and 2.9 of the documentation read in section 8.2.8:

The arguments of the \tag command should be a symbol (such as #'score or
#'part), followed by a music expression. It is possible to put multiple
tags on a piece of music with multiple \tag entries,

  \tag #'original-part \tag #'transposed-part ...

The \tag command does not accept a list of symbols, so the following
line of your input

\tag #'(score part) <<

should be replaced by

\tag #'score \tag #'part <<

John Mandereau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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