On a clean CVS checkout, I get

GNU LilyPond 2.9.14
Processing `input/les-nereides.ly'
Interpreting music... lilypond: music.cc:273: Stream_event*
Music::to_event() const: Assertion `internal_is_music_type (class_name)'

If I apply the attached patch, I get

GNU LilyPond 2.9.14
Processing `input/les-nereides.ly'
Interpreting music... 
warning: this should be music: sustain-event
warning: this should be music: sustain-event
warning: this should be music: sustain-event
warning: this should be music: sustain-event
warning: this should be music: sustain-event
warning: this should be music: sustain-event
warning: this should be music: sustain-event
warning: this should be music: sustain-event
warning: this should be music: sustain-event
warning: this should be music: sustain-event
warning: this should be music: sustain-event
warning: this should be music: sustain-event
warning: this should be music: sustain-event
warning: this should be music: sustain-event
warning: this should be music: sustain-event
Preprocessing graphical objects... 
Calculating line breaks... [3]
Drawing systems... 
programming error: no heads for arpeggio found?
continuing, cross fingers
Calculating page breaks...
Layout output to `les-nereides.ps'...
Converting to `les-nereides.pdf'...

But "make web" later fails with

GNU LilyPond 2.9.14
Processing `/home/joe/src/cleanlily/input/proportional.ly'
Interpreting music... 
warning: this should be music: line-break-event
warning: this should be music: line-break-event
warning: this should be music: line-break-event
Preprocessing graphical objects... 
Calculating line breaks... [3][6][7]/bin/sh: line 1: 22450 Segmentation
fault      /home/joe/src/cleanlily/out/bin/lilypond --pdf --png
-ddump-signatures -danti-alias-factor=2 -ddelete-intermediate-files
-dno-point-and-click -I /home/joe/src/cleanlily/input/ proportional.ly
Index: lily/music.cc
RCS file: /sources/lilypond/lilypond/lily/music.cc,v
retrieving revision 1.155
diff -u -r1.155 music.cc
--- lily/music.cc	2 Aug 2006 21:41:15 -0000	1.155
+++ lily/music.cc	7 Aug 2006 05:41:47 -0000
@@ -270,7 +270,8 @@
   SCM class_name = ly_symbol2scm (out);
   // catch mistakes.
-  assert (internal_is_music_type (class_name));
+  if (!internal_is_music_type (class_name))
+    warning (_f ("this should be music: %s", out));
   Stream_event *e = new Stream_event (class_name, mutable_property_alist_);
   Moment length = get_length ();
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