Mats Bengtsson wrote:
I have submitted the following changes (the numerical values correspond to
the BarNumber object):

|side-axis| (number):

If the value is #X (or equivalently 1), the object is placed horizontally next to the other object. If the value is #Y or 0, it is placed vertically.

|direction| (direction):

If side-position is #X, then this property determines if the object is placed #LEFT, #CENTER or #RIGHT with respect to the other object. Otherwise, it determines if the object is placed #UP #CENTER or #DOWN. Numerical values may also be used. #UP=1, #DOWN=-1, #LEFT=-1, #RIGHT=1, CENTER=0 but also other numerical values are permitted.

I hope this will make it more clear. Note that printing the relevant interpretation of the default value, such as "1 (#UP)" or "1 (#LEFT)" would be just as difficult (if not more difficult) than being able to handle alternative text strings for the same property in different objects (when I said it was "probably difficult" I
meant "with 99.9% difficult"). ;-)

Note also that you can use
\override Score.BarNumber #'direction = #-2
\override Score.BarNumber #'direction = #0.58
if you wish. I tried to clarify that aspect too in the text above.
Sounds great!!   Thanks!

In the new description for direction should that be "side-axis" or "side-position?" Also there are at least 22 layout objects that have "direction" but not "size-axis." I can give you a list if you would like.

Thanks again,


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