Yes, I am using polyphony with voiceOne, voiceTwo, voiceFour and oneVoice,
also assigning the lyrics using \lyricsto to the melody voice.  My
work-around was to simply break up the complex expression and put some of
the notes in voiceTwo that form the chord.

I may just put it back the way it was and try assigning duration values to
the lyrics instead of \lyricsto, as this will allow me greater freedom with
my polyphony voiceOne.  The problem was not in assigning the lyrics to the
proper voice overall, it's that the lyrics were skipping that one chord,
when I simplified that chord the lyrics were correct.


Eduardo Vieira wrote:
> Hello Rick, 
> Try explicitly instantianting voices. (See the section about that in the 
> manual): 
> Instead of << { \stemUp g4 } \\ { \stemUp g'4 } >> 
> Try << \new Voice { \voiceOne g4 } { \voiceFour g'4 } >> \oneVoice 
> or something. 
> For aligning lyrics using lyricsto you need to instantiate voices. 
> Otherwise, you can align especifying the durations with lyricmode, and not 
> using \lyricsto. 
> Eduardo 
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