
It seems there is a bug in Lilypond 2.8.*
when we build it without Lilypond already installed.

I posted mail on lilypond-devel@gnu.org, you could
have more detail about bug.

Thomas Bushnell told that is a problem of LILYPONDPREFIX value
whitch is incorrect, and build work only if lilypond is already
installed. The problem seems to be known since April, but not

I hadn't lilypond installed on my build system, so I didn't
test to see if it is right, or if it is another problem.

Actually I search how to correct it, but I didn't find it again.
If somebody could help me, It would be good.

The build error is :

chmod 755 out/convert-ly
/usr/bin/perl /home/lr/lilypond-2.8.4/buildscripts/out/help2man
out/convert-ly > out/convert-ly.1
help2man: can't get `--help' info from out/convert-ly
make[1]: *** [out/convert-ly.1] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/lr/lilypond-2.8.4/scripts'
make: *** [all] Error 2

    .---.      Ludovic RESLINGER
   /     \
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]@./     Trumpet Student in CNR
   /`\_/`\     Free Software Developer
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