Fingerings in Lilypond avoid staff lines, but this can lead to a confusing output. In the example below we can't understand which staff the '5' belong to. Is there a way to switch this behaviour off? P.S. There is no space to put the fingerings above the first staff and below the second (this would increase the number of pages).
Thanks, Davide
\version "2.9.10" \include "" %From a music sheet downloaded from staffOne = \change Staff = "one" staffTwo = \change Staff = "two" fingerUp = \override Fingering #'direction = #UP fingerDown = \override Fingering #'direction = #DOWN right = \relative do { \slurUp \stemUp \override PianoStaff.Script #'avoid-slur = #'inside \override PianoStaff.Fingering #'avoid-slur = #'inside \override Staff.Slur #'height-limit = #3 \fingerDown mib16-1^^_>( sol-2 mib'-5 mib-1 sol mib'-5 mib-1 sol mib'_> sol, mib-1 mib-5 sol, mib mib-5 sol,) } left = \relative do, { \stemDown \fingerDown do16^^ sol'-2 do-1 do-5 sol' do \staffOne do sol' do sol do,_5 \staffTwo do-1 sol do, do-1 sol } \paper { ragged-right = ##t } \score { \context PianoStaff << #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 16 * *) 1 4 'Score) #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 16 * *) 1 2 'Score) #(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 16 * *) 3 4 'Score) \context Staff = "one" << \time 2/2 \clef treble \key do \minor \right \bar "|." >> \context Staff = "two" << \clef bass \key do \minor \left >> >> }
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