On 4/5/06, karim haddad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
> First of all , i wish to say thanx to everybody working on the dev of
> lily.
> the last version is great.
> Ok, now for some remarks.
> the nested tuplets feature which is really great has however one
> inconvenient.
> As we can see in the news doc, when these occur the brackets are too
> tight
> i.e they are too close one on the other and sometimes very hard to read.
> Is there a way to add some extra space between them. This would be
> great.

Hi Karim,

Two good things help with tuplet bracket positioning:

1. You can use

  \override TupletBracket #'staff-padding = #5.0 % or whatever value you like

... to move the whole nest of brackets up to so some uniform level
above the staff; this will set all the *innermost* brackets level with
each other, meaning that toplevel brackets will just stack higher and

2. You can use

  \override TupletBracket #'padding = #2.3 % or whatever value you want

... to adjust the exact spacing that you're talking about *between*
the brackets in the nest. I find values between #1.5 and #3.0 work

Remember, too, if you're doing a lot of things with nested prolation
that you can control the graphic object properties of the tuplet
number with the TupletNumber grob (which is now independent of the
TupletBracket grob). And you can force the tuplet number as a fraction
with \set tupletNumberFormatFunction = #fraction-tuplet-formatter.

Hope this helps; the total set of time-notation features in lily now
is amazing. I can't think of a better vehicle for sketching rhythmic
material for a piece. If you find something you *can't* set, please
say something.

Trevor Bača
bug-lilypond mailing list

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