> Yes, we can fix it manually, but IMO the default value for 
> BarNumber.padding should be a bit higher.  We shouldn't have collisions 
> in this simple case:
> {
> \new StaffGroup <<
>    \new Staff { c'1 \break c' }
>    \new Staff { c'1 c' }
>  >>
> }

In fact this is a regression: the above example works well with
2.6.3. As I already told to this list, this is because in 2.8 bar
numbering is slightly right displaced compared to 2.6 and then collides
whith system bracket.

This bug doesn't happen when the previous line ends with a breathe. In
that case the number is positioned like in 2.6.x and therefore there is no
collision (but this is a bug because number positioning should be always
the same).

notes = { 
  R1 \breathe \break 
  R1 \break % bar number OK
  R1        % bar number collides with system bracket
\new StaffGroup <<

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