Graham Percival wrote:

On 19-Mar-06, at 1:54 PM, Cameron Horsburgh wrote:

The score I'm working on has ties going over a page/line break. On the second page, one of the ties is hardly noticeable--in fact, I was alerted to the problem by what I thought was a misplaced staccato!

So insert a \noBreak in the middle of the tie? :) There might be a general solution for this, (to forbid breaking during ties in the whole piece), but I don't know it.

(I haven't looked at the file, so I don't know how many ties there are. But what other kind of solution were you hoping for?)
- Graham

I'm not looking for a solution so much as reporting what seems to be a regression in tie breaking (that's why I sent it to lily-bug and not lily-user.)

It's not really a problem, at least for me. I know a lot of work has been done to get the ties right for 2.8, and someone might consider it important.


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