>>>>> "CH" == Cameron Horsburgh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    CH> Has anyone else been using the new Emacs with success?

Well, the patch I've sent here recently is incomplete.  With the
following (Q&D) patch, LilyPond 2.7.32 seems to work with CVS Emacs.

--- lilypond-mode.el.orig	2006-02-12 15:58:09.000000000 +0100
+++ lilypond-mode.el	2006-02-22 16:44:23.000000000 +0100
@@ -391,10 +391,10 @@
 (defun LilyPond-string-current-midi ()
   "Check the midi file of the following midi-score in the current document."
   (let ((fnameprefix (if (eq LilyPond-command-current 'LilyPond-command-master)
-			 (substring (LilyPond-get-master-file) 0 -3); suppose ".ly"
+			 (substring (or (LilyPond-get-master-file) "   ") 0 -3); suppose ".ly"
-	(allcount (string-to-number (substring (count-midi-words) 0 -12)))
-	(count (string-to-number (substring (count-midi-words-backwards) 0 -12))))
+	(allcount (string-to-number (count-midi-words)))
+	(count (string-to-number (count-midi-words-backwards))))
     (concat  fnameprefix
 	     (if (and (> allcount 1) (> count 0)) ; not first score
 		 (if (eq count allcount)          ; last score
@@ -405,9 +405,9 @@
 (defun LilyPond-string-all-midi ()
   "Return the midi files of the current document in ascending order."
   (let ((fnameprefix (if (eq LilyPond-command-current 'LilyPond-command-master)
-			 (substring (LilyPond-get-master-file) 0 -3); suppose ".ly"
+			 (substring (or (LilyPond-get-master-file) "   ") 0 -3); suppose ".ly"
-	(allcount (string-to-number (substring (count-midi-words) 0 -12))))
+	(allcount (string-to-number (count-midi-words))))
     (concat (if (> allcount 0)  ; at least one midi-score
 		(concat fnameprefix ".midi "))
 	    (if (> allcount 1)  ; more than one midi-score

Milan Zamazal

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