
I am currently busy with writing a number of choral parts, in which I 
have used a lot of features of Lilypond.

I am currently using lilypond 2.7.34-1 and two bugs got my attention.

The placement of a fermata over a multi-measure-rest is wrong when you 
say that is must be under the staff. I mean that the fermata printed is 
as if it is above the staff instead of under the staff.

Further, in 2.7.33 the instrumentnames were not engraved, and are now 
back, but the layout is not correct.

I am using the attached script to generate the wrong output.

Can someone help me in resolving this.

Herman Grootaers

====== Start Lilypond source ======
\version "2.7.34"
global =
  { \key c \major
    \time 3/4
    \set Score.skipBars = ##t
sop = \relative c''
{ c2. R2.*3^\fermataMarkup \bar"" \break
  c2. c c^\fermata c
alt = \relative c''
{ g2. g g g_\fermata \bar"" \break
  R2.*3_\fermataMarkup g2.
ten = \relative c'
{ e2. R R R^\fermataMarkup \bar"" \break
  e e e^\fermata e
bas = \relative c
{ c2. c c c_\fermata \bar"" \break
  R R R_\fermataMarkup c
  { \context ChoirStaff
       << \context Staff = "women"
             << \clef treble
                \set Staff.instrument =
                   \markup { \center-align { Дискант Алт } }
                \set Staff.instr =
                   \markup { \center-align { Д. А. } }
                \context Voice = "soprano"
                   { \voiceOne << \global \sop >> }
                \context Voice = "alto"
                   { \voiceTwo << \global \alt >> }
          \context Staff = "men"
             << \clef bass
                \set Staff.instrument =
                   \markup { \center-align { Тенор Бас } }
                \set Staff.instr =
                   \markup { \center-align { Т. Б. } }
                \context Voice = "tenor"
                   { \voiceOne << \global \ten >> }
                \context Voice = "bass"
                   { \voiceTwo << \global \bas >> }
       { \context
           { \Staff
             \remove Time_signature_engraver
         papersize = a4
         topmargin = 3\cm
         leftmargin = 3\cm
         bottommargin = 3\cm
         raggedlastbottom = ##t
         ragged-right = ##t
       { maintainer =
           "Herman (Grootaers)"
         lastupdated = "2006/02/15"
         piece = "Multi rest error with fermata"
======= End Lilpond source =======

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