On Friday 03 February 2006 09:33, Erik Sandberg wrote: > On Friday 03 
February 2006 07.57, Herman Grootaers wrote:
> > Ladies/Gentlemen,
> > Maybe a bug or am I doing something (very) stupid, like not Reading 
> > The Fine Manual ( :=)) ) ?? 
> You're looking for \fermataMarkup. It's mentioned somewhere in the
> manual, I think.   

It is in the fine manual, but it does not do the trick I want it to do.

First: The output is not right, even when I mark each last "R" with the 
correct direction for the fermatMarkup.

Second: When I condense the R, the fermataMarkup is written on the first 
one, not the last one as I think is most logical place to be.

Third, With or without the duration inherintance from the first note, I 
get complaints about the length of the bar. Strange as I think that 
should be correctly measured, especially when I say that "R2." .

Fourth, I did test all the possible combinations, so it may be a bug, 
which comes only forward when engraving two ( I guess maybe more) 
voices into one staff.

The source I got now is:

============ Lilypond source ============
\version "2.7.30"
sop = \relative c''
{ c2. R2. R2. R2.^\fermataMarkup \bar"" \break c2. c c^\fermata c
alt = \relative c''
{ g2. g g g_\fermata \bar"" \break R2. R2. R2._\fermataMarkup g2.
ten = \relative c'
{ e2. R2. R2. R2.^\fermataMarkup \bar"" \break e2. e e^\fermata e
bas = \relative c
{ c2. c c c_\fermata \bar"" \break R2. R2. R2._\fermataMarkup c2.
\paper { raggedright=##t
\score { \context ChoirStaff
               << \context Staff = "women"
                     << \clef treble
                           \context Voice = "soprano"
                                 { \voiceOne << \sop >> }
                           \context Voice = "alto"
                                 { \voiceTwo << \alt >> }
                     \context Staff = "men"
                     << \clef bass
                           \context Voice = "tenor"
                                 { \voiceOne << \ten >> }
                           \context Voice = "bass"
                                 { \voiceTwo << \bas >> }

========== End of Lilypond source ==========

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