Hi everybody!

Using Lily v2.7.28 on WinXP compiling the example below I get the following error:

The stem of the last eigth note in bar #1, staff #3 is a bit to long.

This behaviour varies when altering the input code. For example:

1. Removing every Staff.instrument -> error seems to be fixed
2. Completing the last bar in every staff -> all four stems are

It gets even more strange in my full score: Depending on whether I put a fermata mark in staff #1 the beams/stems are misattached.

Any hints on solving this problem are welcome. Also any link to the bug/user-list, where I couldn't find a solution yet.

Kind regards,
Thies Albrecht


ottavaOn      = #(set-octavation 1)

ottavaOff     = #(set-octavation 0)


global = \relative c'' {
      \key c \major   \time 4/4   s1*1   s2   \bar "|."

InstrI = \relative c'' {
      c,1 ~
      c2 ^\fermata

InstrII = \relative c'' {
      c,2   <f a>
      <e g e' g c>2 ^\fermata

InstrIII = \relative c'' {
      r2   \ottavaOn   c8   f   a   c
      e2 ^\fermata   \ottavaOff


\paper {
      raggedright = ##f


\score {
      \context StaffGroup = "InstrI-III" {
            \override Score.BarNumber #'padding = #'2.0
                  \context Staff = "I" {
                        \set Staff.instrument = \markup {"Instr. I"}
\override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent = #'(-5 . 5)
                  \context Staff = "II" {
                        \set Staff.instrument = \markup {"Instr. II"}
\override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent = #'(-5 . 5)
                  \context Staff = "III" {
                        \set Staff.instrument = \markup {"Instr. III"}
\override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent = #'(-5 . 5)


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