* Han-Wen Nienhuys on Wednesday, November 02, 2005 at 22:42:17 +0100:
> Christian Ebert wrote:
>>>> $ fc-list Sabon
>>>> Sabon:style=RomanOsF
>>>> Sabon:style=BoldOsF
>>>> Sabon:style=ItalicOsF
>>>> Sabon:style=BoldItalicOsF
>>> Can you send a more detailed bugreport?
> OK; I was actually looking for more info on this font; is it a .dfont or 
> resource fork? There are known problems with fondu on 10.4;

10.3.9 here.

> One option is to extract the TTFs from the dfont, and install
> those separately.

I know that support of dfont is limited. I tried both ttf and
otf (and pfb).

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