On Wednesday 17 August 2005 08.23, Graham Percival wrote:
> On 16-Aug-05, at 10:01 PM, Will Oram wrote:
> > It's getting better, but lilypond sometimes just leaves bars in
> > combined part lines blank. An example:
> Interesting; it's prompted by using R1*x.  In this smaller example,
> using the
> second "two" definition (which avoids R1*x), it works just fine.

Which isn't surprising. R1 R1 R1 R1 has different semantics (e.g., skipBars 
will never merge them).

Added as partcombine-R-overlap.ly:

%Will Oram

\version "2.6.0"
\header {
texidoc = "partcombine sometimes doesn't handle multimeasure rests correctly,
if rests from the two parts are overlapping.

Workaround: Use R1 R R R instead of R1*4
reportedin = "2.6.0"

\layout {raggedright =##t }

one={ R1*3 c''1 R1*3 c''1 }
two={ R1 a'1 R1*5 a'1 }
%two={ R1 a'1 R1 R R R R a'1 }

Erik Sandberg
Maintainer of the Lilypond bug CVS archive,

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