On Tuesday 14 June 2005 13.02, Peter wrote:
> Hello
> There seems to be a problem with the `fa' triangular shaped note head.
> For black notes like crotchets and quavers it's fine, but for white notes
> like semibreves and minims the head is upside down.
> Looking in the manual at the feta font (on page 253
> of the pdf version) it seems to me that noteheads.d1fa and noteheads.u1fa
> (similarly noteheads.d0fa and noteheads.u0fa) should be swapped but
> noteheads.d2fa and noteheads.u2fa are correct.

I know nothing about shaped noteheads, but it seems that two independent 
people agrees this is a bug now. I added this to bug CVS.

% Peter (?)

\header {
texidoc = "
There seems to be a problem with the `fa' triangular shaped note head.
For black notes like crotchets and quavers it's fine, but for white notes
like semibreves and minims the head is upside down.

Looking in the manual at the feta font (on page 253
of the pdf version) it seems to me that noteheads.d1fa and noteheads.u1fa
(similarly noteheads.d0fa and noteheads.u0fa) should be swapped but
noteheads.d2fa and noteheads.u2fa are correct.

reportedin = "2.4.0"

\layout {raggedright = ##t}

\version "2.5.29"
\relative c'{
\set shapeNoteStyles = ##(fa fa fa fa fa fa fa)
f1 f2 f4 f e'1 e2 e4 e

Erik Sandberg
Maintainer of the Lilypond bug CVS archive,

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