On Monday 18 July 2005 21.12, Georges Roux wrote:
> Erik Sandberg a écrit :
> >I can't reproduce this (the a is not overwritten by any beam if I compile
> > your example). If it really does, it's a bug which we would like to know
> > more about. Can you please send a complete example in which the 'a' is
> > overwritten by a beam?
> >
> >Erik
> Thanks, here is my example, the note 9 of the first voice is overwritten
> by beam.
> Georges

Thanks, I added this to the bug database.

It is possible to increase the stem lenght manually, but it is considered 
advanced. Please read manual chapter 9.2. There might also be some example 
from regression test/tips & tricks that can inspire you.

% Georges Roux

\header {
texidoc = "Noteheads collide with beams."
reportedin = "2.5.32"

\version "2.6.1"

\layout {raggedright = ##t }

\new Staff \relative c'' {
  << { s16 cis16[ s cis] } \\ { b'16[ s bis] } >>

Erik Sandberg
Maintainer of the Lilypond bug CVS archive,

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